More than 40 years of life in Mexico give me an extraordinary perspective on life, cultures, and cuisines in this complex and glorious country.
I speak native-level Spanish and am a Mexican citizen. Mexican food, history, native and mestizo cultures, and Mexican esoterica are my passions. Want to know about a custom or a tradition or a festival? Just ask me!
I've eaten in 28 of Mexico's 32 states (including the capital state--Mexico City) and continue to be a serious student of Mexico's cuisines. Need to know about a particular herb or regional dish or seasonal food or meal? Let me know.
I offer specialty guided tours in Mexico City, Oaxaca (the city and the surrounding areas), and the state of Michoacán, including the city of Morelia and its surrounding areas. I offer hands-on food market tours, meals at the homes of traditional Mexican cooks, extraordinary tours to the homes of artists and artisans, and off-the-tourist-track adventures in little known places that you will love. By all means contact me when you're ready for a Mexico you scarcely knew existed. If you're interested in touring with me, email me at [email protected]
As you read Mexico Cooks!, you'll discover your own passions about Mexico.
Please remember that all content (text and photos) belongs to the owner of Mexico Cooks!. If you would like to use a photograph or text, please contact me for permission. Otherwise, watch out: EVERYTHING on this website is under copyright.
Pase usted--está en su casa.*
*Come right in--feel at home.
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